Membership is open to anyone who supports our aims. If you are passionate about preserving and enhancing the natural environment of the Blackwater Valley, we'd love you to join us.

We'd love you to join us
Join on-line at
Read our privacy policy
As a member, benefits include:
- discounts from one of our corporate members
- occasional guided walks and talks about nature in the Valley, most of which are free
- occasional newsletters about our local events and nature
- the chance to:
- make new friends who share your love of nature
- get some exercise
- make a real contribution to the local environment by joining working groups as a conservation volunteer.
Annual membership begins on 1 October. New memberships from 1 April will run until 30 September of the next year.
Annual subscriptions are:
- Household membership (individuals and families): £5
- Affiliated membership (for groups): £10
- Corporate membership: £100
We recommend paying by PayPal or direct debit. However, if you'd like to pay by standing order please complete the standing order form